Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Finishing up the Garden

Knowing I am going to be travelling for a few days, prompted me to do those last minute garden things I have been putting off. Holly and I tramped thru the gourd field to get the hard shelled gourds for drying. We leave them in the field, exposed to at least a few good freezes, and then gather them in. It was a sunny, cold day this week but beautiful. After picking them comes the question of exactly the best place to dry them until next Spring. Holly, being a gourder, is out of space she tells me. So that means I have the pleasure of putting them somewhere out of the sun and elements but in a cold, dry place. I have this old garage that works great to put anything in that you don't know where else to stash it. As we stood there looking into the garage, Holly found the kids' soccer goalie net. You can see for yourself in the pictures just how well that Yankee ingenuity works. We laughed and laughed as hung them up. I can't wait till my husband sees them there. He will think I have finally lost it!

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